Senior Section


The Senior Section has a team of 70 highly qualified professional teachers. They are committed to work collaboratively in order to improve their students’ achievements. They focus on the development of common assessment standard based grading practices and strategies to engage students more efficiently in their lessons. The teachers continuously strive to bring the best out of the students. The teachers stay updated with the exam pattern, marking scheme, changes in curriculum, exam schedule and the latest guidelines endorsed by the FBISE.

Our teachers use state of the art teaching techniques as differentiated teaching brainstorming, active learning, problem solving and Q/A session with the help of the latest teaching aids like multimedia projectors, laptops, power point presentations and flash cards. The students are motivated for a better learning by using student centered activities such as, group discussion, creative thinking, dialogue, demonstration, peer learning and experiments. It enhances the knowledge, interest and skills of the students and makes them acquainted with diverse learning.

Vice Principal Farzaal Rasool

Pakistan Urdu School has always endeavored for the best interest of the students. The school has a holistic approach towards the grooming of the students. The school authorities have decided to combine grade VII into Senior Section, from the session 2014-2015. Earlier. Grade VII was with Middle Section and the students required ample time and opportunity to get familiar with the FBISE exam pattern. This new move will boost up the confidence in the students and give them an understanding of the upcoming FBISE Exams. Now they will be taught Oxford syllabus, based on Pakistan National Curriculum, till Second Term Exam. After the exam the students who qualify will be promoted to pre-ninth class. They will start to prepare the SSC-I syllabus recommended by the FBISE. By taking the above-mentioned measures we hope that the students will be in a position to tackle class IX effectively. There are currently 166 students in all six sections of grade VII. Admission Criteria The students of grade VII require a minimum of 40% marks in all subjects to be promoted to grade VII. The students coming from other schools for admission in grade VII will have to pass the admission test in all major subjects with at least 50% marks in each. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade VII. Compulsory: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Arabic, Computer Optional: Urdu/Bahrain Culture, Arabic/Special English, and Islamiat / Moral Science. The students will study total six compulsory and three optional subjects in grade VII.

Pakistan Urdu School has always endeavored for the best interest of the students. The school has a holistic approach towards the grooming of the students. The school authorities have decided to combine grade VIII into Senior Section, from the session 2014-2015. Earlier. Grade VIII was with Middle Section and the students required ample time and opportunity to get familiar with the FBISE exam pattern. This new move will boost up the confidence in the students and give them an understanding of the upcoming FBISE Exams. Now they will be taught Oxford syllabus, based on Pakistan National Curriculum, till Second Term Exam. After the exam the students who qualify will be promoted to pre-ninth class. They will start to prepare the SSC-I syllabus recommended by the FBISE. By taking the above-mentioned measures we hope that the students will be in a position to tackle class IX effectively. There are currently 166 students in all the six sections of grade VIII. Admission Criteria The students of grade VII require minimum 40% marks in all subjects to be promoted to grade VIII. The students coming from other schools for admission in grade VIII will have to pass the admission test in all major subjects with at least 50% marks in each. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade VIII. Compulsory: English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Arabic, Computer Optional: Urdu/Bahrain Culture, Arabic/Special English and Islamiat / Moral Science. The students will study total six compulsory and three optional subjects in grade VIII.

The Senior Section has three sections of Grade IX for girls and boys each, one of Arts stream and two of Science stream. There are 160 students in all the sections of grade IX. Since the students of grade IX are going to appear in the FBISE exam for the first time, the teachers and school management put a lot of effort to familiarize the students with the FBISE exam pattern and marking scheme. The results of grade IX have improved every year. It was 83% in 2013 and now it is 90% in 2014. Admission Criteria The criteria for the admission in grade IX is that the students must pass all the subjects of grade VIII with minimum 40% marks. The students with the average marks of 60% in English, Science and Mathematics in grade VIII are eligible to opt for Science stream in grade IX. Any student failing to meet the above mentioned criteria for Science stream will have the only option of taking the Arts subjects in grade IX. The students coming from other schools for admission in grade IX are required to pass the admission test with minimum 60 % marks in core subjects and fulfill all the FBISE requirements. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade IX with the recommendation of the FBISE Pakistan to appear in the final exam. Science Group Compulsory: English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry, Islamiat/Ethics (for non-Muslim students). Optional: Urdu/Geography of Pakistan, Biology / Computer, In Science stream there are total five compulsory and two optional subjects. Arts Group Compulsory: English, General Science, Mathematics & Islamiat / Ethics (for non-Muslim students). Elective Islamic Studies & Economics Optional: Urdu/Geography of Pakistan In Arts stream the students study four compulsory, two elective and one optional subjects.



Grade X is the most important class for the students as it prepares them to start a successful college life in near future. Grade X comprises of three sections of boys and girls each, one for Arts stream and two for Science stream. There are currently 155 students in grade X. Admission Criteria The admission for the students of grade IX in grade X is not automatic. They are granted provisional admission in grade X based on their performance in the third term (preliminary) exam in grade IX. After the declaration of the FBISE result, their admission in grade X is finalized depending on their achievement. They are granted admission in grade X if they pass. Those students who fail in one or two subjects in annual exam and they had no discipline problems in grade IX are granted admission in grade X with an advice to pass all the subjects of grade IX in supplementary exam. Their admission in grade X is finalized if they pass in supplementary exam or else they have to leave the school to appear as private candidates. The students coming from other schools for admission in grade X are required to pass the admission test with minimum 60 % marks in core subjects and fulfill all the requirements of FBISE. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade X with the recommendation of the FBISE Pakistan to appear in the final exam. Science Group Compulsory English, Physics, Chemistry, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics. Optional Biology/Computer. Urdu/Geography of Pakistan. The students of Science stream study total five compulsory and two optional subjects. Arts Group Compulsory English, General Science, Pakistan Studies, & Mathematics. Elective Islamic Studies & Economics Optional Urdu/Geography of Pakistan, The students of Arts stream study total four compulsory, two elective and one optional subjects.

Senior School has total seven sections of grade XI, three for boys and four for girls. There are two sections of Science stream for boys and girls each while two sections of girls and of boys each, are studying Commerce subjects. The school currently has no option for Arts stream. There are 175 students in grade XI. As the students enter grade XI, they are in an entirely new phase of academics. This is a transitional stage for the students as they enter their college life. They face extended subject matter, different teaching methods, new exam pattern and marking scheme as compared to grade IX and X. Therefore, the teachers and school administration guide and facilitate them accordingly so that they can cope with this transitional stage effectively. Admission Criteria The students are granted provisional admission in grade XI depending on their result in third term (preliminary) exam of grade X. In order to secure permanent admission in grade XI they have to pass FBISE exam of grade X. If a student is failed in one or two subjects and he/she had no discipline problems in previous grades, he/she may be allowed to continue attending grade XI with the condition that he/she must pass all the subjects in supplementary exam. If he/she fails again in supplementary exam, he/she will have to leave the school or he can take exam as private student. The students can opt for Science stream only if they attain 60% marks in grade X overall. Those who score less than 60% marks in grade X can opt for Commerce subjects only. The students coming from other schools for admission in grade XI are required to pass the admission test with minimum 60 % marks in core subjects and fulfill all the requirements of FBISE. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade XI with the recommendation of the FBISE Pakistan to appear in the final exam. Science Group Compulsory English, Physics & Islamiat/Civics (for non-Muslim students). Optional Urdu/Pakistan Culture, Biology/Mathematics, Chemistry/Computer, The students study total three optional and three compulsory subjects in Science stream. Commerce Group Compulsory English, Commerce, Accounting, Economics, Business Mathematics & Islamiat/Civics(for non-Muslim students). Optional Urdu/Pakistan Culture. The Commerce students must take six compulsory and two optional subjects in grade XI.

The Senior School has total seven sections of grade XII, four for boys and three for girls with a total number of 129 students. Two sections of girls and boys are in Science stream each while one section of girls and two sections of boys are in Commerce stream. Admission Criteria The students of grade XI are promoted provisionally to grade XII based on the result of grade XI third term (preliminary) examination, held in school before their FBISE examination. Their admission is finalized depending on their achievement, after the result of FBISE examination is declared. They are granted admission in grade XII if they pass. Those students who fail in one or two subjects and they had no discipline problem in grade XI are allowed to attend grade XII with the condition that they must pass all subjects in supplementary exam. If they pass in supplementary exam, the school grants them final admission in grade XII. Those students who fail in one or two subjects and they had no problem in past year may be given permission in grade XII with a condition that they must pass the subject(s) in supplementary exam. They get final admission in grade XII if they can pass all the subjects in supplementary exam otherwise they have to leave the school or they can appear as private candidates in final exam. he students coming from other schools for admission in grade XII are required to pass the admission test with minimum 60 % marks in core subjects and fulfill all the requirements of FBISE. Subjects The following compulsory as well as optional subjects are offered to the students of grade XII with the recommendation of the FBISE Pakistan to appear in the final exam. Science Group Compulsory English, Pakistan Studies, Physics Optional Chemistry/Computer, Biology/Mathematics, Urdu/Pakistan Culture The Students of Science stream study three compulsory and three optional subjects in grade XII. Commerce Group Compulsory English, Commercial Geography, Pakistan Studies, Accounting & Business Statistics. Elective Banking Optional Urdu/Pakistan Culture The students of Commerce stream study one elective one optional and five compulsory subjects in grade XII.