Multi-Purpose Auditorium
The school has a very spacious multi-purpose auditorium, which is used for functions such as seminars, debates and for various other extra-curricular activities of the school. More than 550 people can be accommodated in the auditorium. The auditorium is also used for the annual FBISE examinations as well.

The school has three well-equipped canteens with all the required kitchen facilities. The canteen is managed by Food Supply Company (FOOSCO), which is a leading food and beverages manufacturing and catering company in Bahrain. The FOOSCO is operating canteens in a large number of government and private schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Computer Laboratories
The computer laboratories are equipped with the latest computer systems and attempts are made to provide state-of-art computer facilities. Apart from effectively aiding in teaching the prescribed syllabus, it endeavors to expose to the students the latest technologies and skills.

Health Care & First Aid
The school has a well-equipped first aid room where minor accidents are attended to by the school nurse during the school hours. Every effort is made to contact parents when a child has an accident of serious nature or is showing signs of sickness. When parents cannot be consulted, first aid or hospital treatment is arranged immediately.
Parents should inform the school of any serious or ongoing medical problem or special requirement of their siblings that needs to be attended by the school.

The spacious library of the school has been designed and structured in a systematic manner, enabling the students to select books of their own choice with ease. It has been stocked well with a variety of rich collection of valuable books for almost all levels ranging from Primary to Senior.
The library fulfills the purpose of providing useful information to the students who relish reading in a quiet and comfortable and serene atmosphere. A team of fully trained and efficient librarians are always available to help and guide the students.

Multi-Media Room
The school has a well-furnished multi-media set-up. It serves as a valuable educational aid and multimedia facility acting as a catalyst in not only creating interest but also increasing understanding of the students in the basic concepts of various disciplines.

Prayer Facilities
The school has a prayer room where the students can offer their Salah/prayers. The school has recently renovated the ablution areas (Wudu areas both for boys and girls) to facilitate them to pray in a clean environment.

Science Laboratories
The school has spacious and well-ventilated laboratories for the departments of Chemistry, Physics and Biology, furnished with all the necessary instruments and accessories. It is ensured that the practical understanding of the subject is comprehensive.

Sports & Games Facilities
The sports & games amenities of the school range from courts/grounds to equipments for games like basketball, volleyball, football, badminton and cricket. All the students are divided into four houses (Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, and Topaz). Annual Sports and Inter-house/Inter-School competitions are held in all the games both for senior and junior students.

The School provides transport facilities to Manama, Muharraq Hidd, Arad, Isa Town, and Riffa areas. The transportation services are being provided by National Transport Company, which is the leading transporter in Bahrain, providing transport for many government and private schools in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The school facilitates the students with transport for the convenience of the parents, although it aces no obligation to do so. The school does not undertake any responsibility or liability whatsoever for delays, mechanical disorder, breakdown, accidents, etc. during journey to and from the school.