Assessment System

Term Month/Period Examination/Test
First Term Test
2nd Term Test
Third Term Test & Annual Examination


The Pakistan Urdu School is affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Islamabad, Pakistan (FBISE). The school prepares the students for Secondary Examinations in Arts and Science stream and in Science and Commerce stream for Higher Secondary Examinations.

The text books followed from class LKG to class VIII are from Oxford Press.

The books followed in class IX to XII are recommended by the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Islamabad, Pakistan. The textbooks are available at the school book store.

Homework Policy

Children are given homework(s) appropriate to their needs on a weekly or daily basis. This may include reading, literacy or nume tasks, research for a topic or completing unfinished class work. Homework(s) should be regarded as a positive experience and an extension of the students school work. The school expects that homework(s) given to the students is completed by them and signed by the parents.

Every child is provided with a School Diary. The diary should be used by parents and teachers as a home-school liaison book. The school urges all parents to check the diary regularly in order to ensure that the homework or messages are noted and appropriate action is taken.

Parent-Teacher Meeting

The class teachers, coordinators and vice-principals are available to discuss matters of concern, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (from 11 am. to 12 pm.) with prior appointment. The school conducts Parent-Teacher Meeting every term after the tests/examinations to discuss and improve the performance of the students.